Juggling 5 kids, multiple businesses, employees, plus 3 dogs isn’t always easy. My daily schedule is jam-packed every day, I’m sure you know what I mean, right? Well, awhile back I decided no matter what my schedule looked like I was going to carve in some “Me Time” and make it a priority. You know how the saying goes “Secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others” I think us moms need to apply this to our lives. We have to take time to savor the present moment, to take better care of ourselves so that we can, in turn, take care of others. Today I am sharing some tried & true tips that have helped me squeeze in more “me time” into my daily routine. Plus, I am sharing a great deal on my NEW favorite cup of joe, 1850 Brand Coffee.
3 Amazing Tips to Help Moms Squeeze In More “Me Time”
When it comes to “me time,” I haven’t always been the best advocate. In fact, I hardly took the time necessary to take care of myself, but I’ve learned a thing or two. In my case, it took nearly running out of steam to finally realize the importance of self-care and the need for carving out time in my demanding schedule for some “me time”, read more about that here. Which is why I wanted to share a few tips with you to help you find the time, even with the most demanding schedule, to take time for yourself.
1 Take a Coffee Break, or in my case two!
I am totally coffee obsessed, I take it jet black and multiple times a day. My closest friends refer to it as my secret sauce bc I am never caught without my giant stainless steel tumbler full of a delicious fresh brewed coffee. They may joke, but in all seriousness, I feel like sipping coffee helps give me the fuel I need to focus on the tasks I have ahead and to ensure I have the energy I need to get through my long to-do list.
When it comes to my “me time” I knew a coffee break would be perfect! I could enjoy my favorite beverage while pausing to meditate or just be present and take a few deep breaths, and the caffeine would naturally give me a little boost! I remembered loving the coffee ceremonies in Ethiopia (see below) so I decided I would set up my own coffee ritual. In order to make it feel a little more special, I created a space in my room to relax with my cup. I have a cozy chair, soft blanket, and I keep my favorite magazines on a side table next to my chair.
The next step was getting my family to buy into my little routine. I talked to my husband and the kids about my need for a few minutes of peace & quiet. I explained how it would keep away “grumpy mommy” which they all laughed about. But, this buy-in was super important because everyone was “in-the-know” and supported my need for “me time”. I started easy just taking 10 min here and there throughout the day. Now that Olivia is getting older I take two breaks. One, while she is at school in the, am to decompress after the morning rush, and another when she cat naps after I pick her up.
There’s a little caveat to the coffee ritual if you are trying to make healthier choices. That is your coffee should be free of added sugar and fat aka you should be drinking a cup of black coffee versus a mocha with whipped cream- catch my drift? This means you need a good brew. Something that is bold, but not bitter.
Recently I have been hooked on 1850 Brand Coffee. I found it on a recent Target trip (my fav place!) and I was immediately hooked on the bold yet smooth flavor.1850 Brand Coffee comes in four unique blends, my favorite is their Black Gold. I love the dark chocolatey notes!
Lucky for me they sell it both as a bag of ground coffee and K Cups so I can brew it at home in my French Press and pop it in my Keurig at work. Of course, you can also use the grounds in your coffee machine or try it as a pour over cup too!
1850 Brand Coffee is actually part of the Folgers Coffee Company. It’s their new premium coffee line that is fire-roasted coffee to bring out a rich taste and aroma. 1850 Brand Coffee celebrates Folgers heritage of fueling bold decisions and innovative ideas since, you guessed it, 1850. Some might say their coffee is more than a coffee, but an ally to the hustle. It definitely is to me. Learn more about my bold decisions below in a recent Facebook LIVE video I did (see below).
Try 1850 Brand Coffee for Yourself!
Visit Target from 5/20 – 6/30 and take 20% off any 1850 Brand Coffee Product with the Target Cartwheel Coupon (while supplies last).
2 Set up an Ideal Daily Schedule (and stick to it!)
Kids LOVE routines and you should too. Why? Routines help give kids a sense of security and help them learn self-discipline. Plus, routines help balance play time with downtime which allows YOU to get a break. Check out a sample of my morning routine for the upcoming summer.
7:30 am- Wake Up & Eat Breakfast
8:30 am- Morning shows and relaxing together. (I can typically squeeze a coffee break in here)
10 am- Outside Playtime
11 am- Come Inside/ Snack
12:30 pm- Lunch
1 pm- Naptime for Olivia/ Educational Time for Big Kids (aka Quiet Time)
2:30 pm- After nap healthy treat/ Outside Playtime
3:30 pm- Come in watch tv/ relax (perfect time for another coffee break for mom)
4:30 pm- Arts and Crafts
5:30 pm- Dad takes over/ Mom makes dinner
6:30 pm- Dinner
7:30 pm- Bathtime & Bed for Olivia (Big kids stay up later, but know that mom & dad are off duty)
7:30 pm-9 pm- My husband and I relax together. Sometimes we do something fun like watching a movie or playing a board game together too!
Give this routine a try yourself, or adjust it to your own needs, and then come back and tell me how having a schedule has worked for you!
3 Ask for Help!
This one was HARD for me, as I believe it is for most moms. We want to be superwomen and do EVERYTHING on our own. If you think about it this mentality is a whole bunch of malarky.
I came to this conclusion as I began visiting developing nations. Money was scarce and their conveniences were few, however, I noticed that women seemed more relaxed and at peace with taking care of their children and households. Do you want to know why? They had a whole village of women who were supporting them.
So, I began forming my own village and started trading favors with friends, accepting help when family offered it and you know what? It was the BEST decision. I could go to the store without the stress of a tantruming toddler. I could take 30-minutes to read a chapter in a book or listen to a funny podcast. Heck, sometimes I honestly just took a nap.
Asking for help allowed me to take care of myself and in turn, I was much happier taking care of my family & friends. It is a total win/win!
How do you incorporate “Me Time”?
Pin these Me Time Tips for Later-
“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and The J.M. Smucker Company, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #1850Coffee #1850CoffeeatTarget http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV”
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